Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Fat Lady Has Sung

In his most recent article, The Fat Lady Has Sung Tom Friedman tells us how a community in California is charging $300 for an emergency 911 call. He thinks this is the future due to the 'lean years' we will be experiencing due to our previous decades of excess. So, 911 calls for emergencies were excesses we all enjoyed?

No mention of the drastic shift in the tax burden away from corporations and the wealthy in recent decades. Nor the ongoing abuse of American by insurance, banking and energy companies. There has been excess, but it hasn't been by the vast majority of Americans. But (to use another trite phrase) we'll see who has to pay the piper. At this point it looks like the abuse will go on, and the middle class will continue to get the squeeze. Particularly if people read and believe the nonsense of people like Mr. Friedman.