Sunday, May 9, 2010

Root Canal Politics

Well, thought others would be doing the job, but I can't resist ranting about the latest Tom Friedman absurdity. And the top newspaper in the country publishes this nonsense on a Sunday! In Root Canal Politics the upshot is that after the WWII "i.e. 'Greatest') generation, their spoiled children squandered their inheritance, and now have built up debts to be paid for by their children. Tom's response? Sacrifices must be made. But by who, Tom? Surely not the indebted generations coming up right now. Do you mean the baby boomers? How will this work, now that they are retiring?

I have different perspective on this. How about the trillion dollar wars in the middle east? Or the trillion dollar tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans? Or the trillion dollar bank bailout? That's $3 trillion of squander in the last few years. My math tells me this is $10,000 per person in the USA. And this says nothing of the bloated defense budget or the many recent tax dodges by big corporations and the ultra wealthy. Let's call it $20,000 per person. Seems like a good start at 'sacrifice', without any root canals.

Really, where do you get this stuff, and how do you get people to pay you for it?